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Stainless steel: A new king for an eco-friendly lifestyle

Humans are in a fight to become less reliant on plastic by an alternative to more eco-friendly and sustainable material that would lessen our negative impact on mother nature. It is Thursday and welcomes back to the series of eco-friendly material. For those who are new, in this plastic-free July month, Store Eco Friendly is running a daily blog to help you become more environmentally knowledgeable and reduce as much plastic waste as possible. Our star of today is stainless steel. Within a short period, stainless steel has proven itself to be a perfect eco-friendly solution. Let’s see why.


Although stainless steel is non-degradable but can easily be recyclable, it is because it contains a high level of recycled content; roughly 60% of its material is recyclable. This allows stainless steel products to offer a long service life to its consumers and eventually reduce resource use.


Stainless steel uses scrap metal as its primary material, which allows it to inherit the powerful durability feature of metal, making it last for decades with proper care. Not to add, stainless steel can be easily clean.


Also, it doesn’t leach chemicals when being exposed to heat, which makes it safer to use for food compared to silicone or plastic. This explains why stainless steel is used to make insulated products while ensuring the health safety concern. 


The production process of stainless-steel is not harmful to the environment, neither to the people who manufacture it. 


The only disadvantage I can see from using stainless steel is that the cost of production would be higher than plastic, which results in a higher price. However, as I said before, stainless steel is designed to be used within an extended period, which is equivalent to quite a few plastic products. It turns out that the longer you use stainless steel, you are more likely to save your money. 


To sum up, stainless steel is a perfect solution if you want to switch a more eco – friendly lifestyle by reducing as much necessary waste, mainly plastic as possible. By attempting to buy at least one stainless steel item over plastic ones, you have helped to cut down a significant plastic waste in your life. Reusable is a key to unlock the door to a beautifully sustainable earth.


Store Eco Friendly has been founded with a mission of helping Kiwis in their combat against plastic by offering a wide range of eco-friendly products that are sourced from local businesses. More critical, Store Eco Friendly provides you with a variety of stainless steel products that are suitable for both personal use and household use. Shop with us to maintain the greenness of Earth and empower small NZ businesses.  

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